CNC - Caffe Nero Croydon
CNC stands for Caffe Nero Croydon
Here you will find, what does CNC stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Caffe Nero Croydon? Caffe Nero Croydon can be abbreviated as CNC What does CNC stand for? CNC stands for Caffe Nero Croydon. What does Caffe Nero Croydon mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Croydon, Greater London engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of CNC
- Computerized Numeric Control
- Canadian National Committee
- Charlotte, North Carolina
- Canadian National Collection
- Confederación Nacional Campesina
- Confederación Nacional Campesina
- College of New Caledonia
- Computerized Numerical Control
View 95 other definitions of CNC on the main acronym page
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- CET Career Edge Technologies
- CVW Crown Valley Winery
- CSSI Clean Sweep Services Ireland
- CCM Compass Catholic Ministries
- CFML Complete Facilities Management Ltd
- CTCL The Clinical Trial Company Limited
- CBCL Cube Building Consultancy Limited
- CHPSL CHP Supplies Limited
- CGL Cleaning Gurus Ltd
- CBC Clement Building Company
- CG The Chittenden Group
- CML Chargé de Mission Limited
- CCC Call Center Commandos
- CMD Cohen Modern Dentistry
- CDMI C.D. Microsystems Inc.